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Monday, November 30

My Frugal Miser Goes on a Clutter Round Up

One of the greatest side effects of writing this blog is that I hold myself accountable. I have decided to set a mini-goal for the month of December: dispose of 100 items in 31 days.

First, I should make it clear that I am not a packrat. Most visitors to my house either compliment how simple I am or express concern over its sparseness. I don't even have furniture in my living room, for crying out loud!

Call me anorexic, but I can lose more clutter. And I will.

Here are my rules:
  • In December I will reduce my personal possessions by 100. If I bring something new into the house, I have to eliminate an additional item above and beyond my goal of 100 things.
  • Regularly consumed items do not count. I can't eat my way out of 100 canned goods or scrub myself out of 100 bars of soap.
  • Similar items may be bundled. For example, if I throw away 4 dishes, I will count that as one item, not 4. I'll be a bit flexible on this rule.
  • Items can be sold, trashed, donated or otherwise given away. In other words, as long as the item no longer belongs to me, it counts as disposed of.
I'll regularly post progress updates through December.

Friday, November 27

A Frugal Miser Plans for the Future

Now that I am transitioning back to the workforce after a 3 month transitional period, I have to reassess some things:
  1. My new job is a dramatic pay cut early on (compared to the job I left in August) but has longer-term potential. It is also a longer commute (about 45 miles each way).
  2. If the job works out, I have a rental property about 10 miles from the company which I could consider moving into once the current lease is up in April, 2010.
  3. I would like to retain as much income as I can from the alternative sources I've used these last three months.
I have a lot to think about. I could probably continue 50-75% of my mystery shopping and merchandising on nights and weekends if I plan carefully and really hustle. On the other hand, I want to give this new position 100% of my energy. Another consideration is my need for income. Until I sell the Bimmer, I will definitely need to earn more outside of this new job.

I also need to consider the transactional costs of moving. Fortunately I will have about 5 months to see if the new position will work out long term before I will be able to consider moving. As I blogged about earlier, most people don't fully consider all the costs of change. For example, when I moved into my current home and converted my last home to a rental property, I didn't realize how much more expensive the property taxes would be on the old home when I no longer qualified for the homestead exemption there. Since it was my first property in a city limits, the taxes are significantly higher than my other properties. The house I live in now is outside a municipality, but the location is good for me besides commuting to my new job.

Thursday, November 26

A Frugal Miser Gives Thanks: I Found a JOB!

Ever since I lost my job at the end of August I have struggled with what the future may hold for me. I've been doing okay with my severance (which ran out earlier this month) combined with the money I am making doing mystery shops, merchandising and donating plasma. The best part about this kind of work is the feeling of independence. Even though I've been busting my behind to earn a living, sometimes working 18+ hours/day, I've loved not having to answer to anyone but myself. I've also liked the flexibility of not having to do anything if I wanted to go out of town or just take some "me" time. Alas, the security of an 8-5 gig beckons me.

I interviewed at a startup company back in September and was offered a job right away. It was for a position that I did not necessarily want to do but with promise of moving up the ladder quickly. The night before I was to start, the CEO emailed me and said he was retracting the offer. I had no idea at the time what was going on. Did I do something wrong? Is his company not stable?

A few days later the CEO explained things to me. He assured me he just needed a bit more time as he thought through some things and told me he still wanted to hire me. I didn't give too much thought to this as I figured he was blowing me off but didn't have the kahunas to just tell me.

Then, the call. He asked if I could meet for lunch, where he explained the sanity behind his entrepreneurial thought process. Not only did he still want me, but he wanted me for a role I really wanted to be in, with slightly better pay.

I start next week! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Wednesday, November 25

A Week in the Life of a Mystery Shopper

Last week was relatively slow. Originally I planned to travel to San Francisco for a conference my old employer had paid for me to attend. I figured I'd enjoy a few days in the Bay Area since there would be little out of pocket expense. Instead I decided to stay home for two reasons: 1) I needed to wrap up the lease with the tenant for the townhouse and 2) I wanted to earn more mystery shopping money.

We returned from Tampa early evening so I didn't do any shops.

I ate a free breakfast and then did my merchandising stores: one mystery shop and six stores to merchandise.

This was my most lucrative day, and it was a fairly easy one: 5 gas stations, a doughnut shop, a game store, and a car wash.


A fairly busy day: 3 gas stations, one merchandising job, a discount retailer and a fast food lunch.

Two trailer checks at a movie theatre, a fast food lunch and a game store.

Just a fast food lunch, and it wasn't from lack of effort. Seems like everyone must be mystery shopping to ear money for the holidays as there was almost nothing available.

Total Income for the Week: $251.20
Total Value of Reimbursements: $70.41

Monday, November 23

A Frugal Miser Donates Plasma

If you are really in a bind and need cash, one relatively easy way to make extra money is by donating plasma. I did this twice in November. The first time I was paid $30 and the second time I was paid $40. There are also incentives offered for every 5th donation. The initial visit took a while because you have to go through screening and a physical, but my second visit last less than 90 minutes. I brought a magazine to read while I was donating, so in essence I was being paid to read a magazine.

The caveat is I hate needles. That has kept me from returning to make a third donation. I cringe at having a needle stuck in my arm for an hour or so while the plasma is sucked out of my blood. One problem I encountered is that I have small veins or they are hard to find. It's probably because I am overweight although my arms aren't bigger than the average persons.

The pay varies by site, but you are allowed to donate twice per week. For me that would be $70 per week, $280 per month, or over $3,500 per year.

For now I have decided not to make a third donation. I might change my mind and return, but those darn needles keep me from doing so right now.

Sunday, November 22

Misers Save Money Around the House (Easy Ways to be Frugal)

Moving in and out of stocks is one example of the damage transaction costs do to your future net worth. Likewise, replacing something prematurely comes with transaction costs. Consider these small examples, and how they add up over time:

Easy Ways to be Frugal at Home
  • Stretch your toothpaste. I find that by cutting open an "empty" tube of toothpaste I can get about 5 days' worth of toothpaste from inside the tube. If a tube of toothpaste usually lasts a month and costs $2.50, over twelve months I will stretch my toothpaste an extra 60 days, or 2 1/3 tubes. This saves me about $6.00 per year.
  • Let your pantry go empty twice a year. This is a fun game I play. At least twice a year I try to use up EVERYTHING in the pantry before making a trip to the store. This defers a trip to the grocery store, saving gas, time and money. It also means you are less likely to have to throw something out that has expired. Sure, you'll have some rather interesting meals for a few days, but it sure feels good to know there is nothing wasted. It also gives you a chance to clean your pantry shelves without having to move a bunch of stuff around. Saving two trips to the grocery store per year saves me about $100.
  • Cut down on laundry. Are your clothes really dirty? I find that I can wear pants two or three times before washing them. I never do this with socks and underwear, that's just icky. I also reuse bath towels until they start smelling. My partner and I average 3, maybe 4 average-size loads per week.
  • Take care of things. It's such an easy thing to do, but so many people neglect this and pay big in the long run. I know because I see the condition of my rental properties when tenants move out. If you have a leak, fix it. If the kids draw on the walls, beat the crap out of them. Caulk your windows once a year. Clean your gutters. If something breaks, fix it.

Saturday, November 21

Misers Avoid Transactional Costs... Part 2

On Tuesday I discussed how the transaction costs associated with trading stocks (as opposed to investing in publicly traded companies via a buy-and-hold strategy) will eat up a large percentage of your gains and negatively impact your net worth. Today I wanted to quantify this through an example. Let's consider a stock purchased in a regular (not tax-deferred) brokerage account and what happens when you sell the stock:

  1. Buy 100 shares of XYZ company at $20 per share. Let's use a discount broker where we may pay a $5 fee to buy the shares.
  2. Sell 100 shares of XYZ company 6 weeks later at $22 per share. Looks like a $2 per share profit on 100 shares, or $200 profit, right?
  1. Not only will you pay $10 to your brokerage account, you will also be responsible for short term capital gains, which are taxed at your standard income bracket. Let's assume you are single and you earn $50,000 a year at your job. That puts you in the 25% federal bracket. We'll also use a middle-of-the-road state tax rate of 8%.
  2. $200 profit, less $10 in transaction fees, leaves $190 in profit for the tax man to assess. Uncle Sam gets $47.50 and your state revenue department collects $15.20.
  3. Total profit of $200, less ($10+$47.50+15.20) = $127.30 in actual profit.
We're not done. That $62.70 in taxes and fees is gone...a lost cause. What if you had held onto that stock? Since study after study says you can't time the market, let's assume that holding the stock of XYZ company would have yielded a similar return to the stock of whatever you would have replaced it with. If this is the case, that $62.70 in taxes and fees you paid represents a lost opportunity.

Historically stocks have outpaced inflation by 7% a year. Let's say inflation averages 2% per year for the next 25 years, so your average stock will yield a 9% annual return.

How much did you really lose?
Much more than $62.70. At 9%, in 25 years you would have turned that $62 into about $600! A single transaction resulted in $600 in lost opportunity.

It doesn't take a genius to see that several trades each year will literally reduce your net worth by hundreds of thousands of dollars in a lifetime.

Friday, November 20

Misers Avoid Transactional Costs... Part 1

When I was 18 I opened my first brokerage account with Charles Schwab. I had a lot of fun trading the stock market and I made some money doing it. After a year I decided to look at how much all this trading cost me. I found that my Schwab account, which had something less than $10,000 in it at the time, had racked up over $2,000 in transaction fees. I can't remember what I paid in taxes for all those short term trades.

Over the last year I've given a lot of thought to transactional, or frictional costs, and the long term damage they inflict on my net worth. As I attended the AAII conference last week I was surprised by the number of investment strategies offered by various professionals. Even more surprising were the number of attendees to their sessions. Here I am at a conference of supposedly intelligent investors and all around me are folks bragging about how successful the CAN-SLIM approach has been for them or how this new charting software they purchased "really works".

  • The right way to invest: Buy an investment and hold it.
  • The idiot's way to lose money: "Play the market", "trade stocks", etc.
It amazes me how someone can identify a "hot stock" by watching Mad Money or reading some investment newsletter. They buy shares without so much as reading a financial report from the company then sell just as quickly when their favorite guru tells them to or they find the next hot idea and need the money.

When you do this, you enrich the E*Trade's of the world, not to mention Uncle Sam. Brokerage fees and taxes eat up so much of your potential growth in net worth. What many will find is that you can earn even more money by doing your due diligence to find a solid company you'd like to invest in, buying a piece of that company and holding it. It's much more rewarding, in my opinion, to be able to follow that company over time and become somewhat of an expert in it. I get excited when I know a conference call has been scheduled or I hear about a new store under construction or some news story comes across my Google Alerts.

The penalty of frictional costs goes far beyond purchasing the stock of a publicly traded company. Tomorrow I will talk about how I avoid other transactional costs.

Thursday, November 19

A Week in the Life of a Mystery Shopper

Last week I didn't earn much from mystery shopping because I left for a conference on Wednesday and was out of town the rest of the week.

Busiest day of the week. Completed 11 gas stations and a doughnut shop.

Spent the morning completing four gas stations and two merchandising shops. I did four more gas stations that afternoon.

I donated plasma for the very first time in the morning. It took four hours, but I was promised that subsequent visits would be much shorter. That afternoon/evening I completed 2 gas stations and a public storage center.

First thing Wednesday morning I test drove a luxury car. At least that dang Bimmer qualified me for this shop (had to pull into the dealership with a BMW or Lexus to qualify) as it was relatively lucrative. Left for sunny Tampa, Florida late morning. No more shops this week.

Total Income for the Week: $230.00
Total Value of Reimbursements: $141.44

Wednesday, November 18

Lessons Learned from My Not So Frugal Trip to Orlando

I spent just over $1,000 for 5 days/4 nights attending a conference and enjoying the beach last week. That doesn't even include the flights or one night in a hotel since they were free. I learned a couple lessons, though:
  • Rent a compact car, and refuse the upgrade. Sure, it feels like you're getting a deal, but you'll pay at the pump. I estimated that I spent an extra $20 on gas because of this.
  • Pay attention to the "time out" when you rented. If I had returned the car just 20 minutes sooner than I did, I would have saved $43.31. The additional hourly fees for renting a car are not 1/24th of the per day fee!
  • Consider the cost of extending your trip. Since we decided to spend a couple nights on the beach, we flew in and out of Tampa and drove to Orlando for the conference. Cutting out the beach or even reducing it to one night instead of two would have saved $100-$200.
In total, I could have cut at least 20% off the cost of our trip if I had been more prudent.

Tuesday, November 17

A Frugal Miser Attends a Conference in Orlando

Last week I spent 5 days and 4 nights in Tampa, Florida and Orlando. I am a member of the American Association of Individual Investors, which holds this annual conference. It was my first year attending. I planned the trip prior to losing my job, and had paid the $295 conference fee already as well as three of the four nights lodging (the fourth night I used reward points). There was no way I was going to walk away from this opportunity, especially since the only major expense not already paid was the rental car.

Below are my expenses. Generally I have included the cost for two people since my partner traveled with me but did not attend the conference.

Our flights were free - I only paid $10 for the 9/11 Terrorist Fee. I used a Rapid Rewards voucher and my partner used the Companion Pass I receive for being a frequent flier on Southwest. I used Hilton Honors points to get a free room at the Hilton Clearwater Beach. This made the room, Internet access, bottled water and breakfast free. The only expense was $5.35 for parking. We also had a late lunch at Columbia, a must have when in the Tampa area. This was the "treat" of the trip as we had a pitcher of table-prepared Mojitos, Cuban sandwiches and the 1905 salad, as well as a side of black bean soup and the complimentary hot Cuban bread. There was enough left over that there was no need for another meal. Total spent: $54 for food for two.

I spent nothing on Thursday. We ate the free continental breakfast at the Hilton Clearwater Beach. For the evening, I had prepaid the hotel room back in July. Two nights at the Homewood Suites in Lake Buena Vista, just 1.9 miles from the Hilton where the conference was held, for $160. This rate included dinner Thursday night and breakfast both Friday and Saturday mornings. The Hilton would have cost in excess of $200 per night and included neither. I ate "refreshments" for lunch Thursday - a Whatchamacallit bar and a bag of popcorn - plus I took extras for later. Dinner included the light meal at the Homewood Suites of BBQ pork and some sort of corn and mixed vegetables.

This was the full day of the conference, which meant that all my meals were included in the registration fee. Note that my definition of "meal" is more liberal that most people. Dinner consisted of red wine and hors d'oeuvres. I don't have a problem calling dinner a couple Swedish meatballs and some sort of spinach pastry, as long as it's free.

The conference wrapped up this morning, so back to Tampa for the night. We had a free breakfast at the hotel and a late afternoon lunch/dinner consisting of unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks from Olive Garden ($24.00). I could have selected something less expensive but wanted to use up a gift card I'd had in my wallet for some time. We checked into a Best Western which I paid for with gift cards ($78.96). There wasn't any shampoo in the room and when I requested some at the front desk I was given several, so I added that to the stash from the prior three nights. I'll have enough soap and shampoo for 2 or 3 weeks once I return home. Saturday night we went to the Ybor District, where I spent a total of $20 on drinks and tips.

So maybe I should scratch "frugal" and "miser" from the title. Rental cars aren't cheap in Tampa. I did rent the lowest price option I could find, but I should have paid $43.31 less than I did. I returned the car 21 minutes after the 24 hour rental block. The additional hour fee was nearly as much as if I had kept it another full day. Total price for the rental: $287.00. I also goofed by not objecting to the free upgrade. We were given a Saturn Outlook, which is an SUV that averages just 19 miles per gallon. I spent $59.82 for 22.8 gallons of gas. If I had selected a car that got 10 mpg more, I would have saved $20.65 in fuel expense. Finally, we spent a meager $4.28 at the Burger King dollar menu for a late lunch. When we arrived home, I paid $32 for parking. By using an offsite lot I saved $23 off the least expensive airport lot.

Total Spent: $1,030.41

My only solace is that most of this amount was either prepaid before my job loss of was paid with gift cards. This certainly doesn't qualify as frugal travel, especially considering it doesn't include what my flight or the first night's hotel would have cost since I used loyalty points.

Friday, November 13

How Much Should I Charge for Rent?

That's a question I used to dwell over. Like with many things, I prefer to keep this as simple as possible. Obviously I want to charge the highest amount the market will bear, but I also need to know if this amount would be profitable when I look for new properties.

There are two metrics I use:
  • Rent as a Percentage of Home Value
  • Cap Rate
Rent as a Percentage of Home Value

This is an easy calculation. I've decided that if I can charge 1% of the home's value per month, I will more than likely make a profit. For the $58,000 townhouse I have just rented, I need to charge $580 per month. This figure leaves room for short vacancies, normal repairs, interest on debt, taxes, insurance and, most importantly, profit. By the way, I am actually charging $625 per month, so another $45 or so falls right to my bottom line.

Cap Rate

This is the measurement most often used by lenders, appraisers and investors. It is more complicated, but not too difficult, as the math is basically the same as above. With cap rate, you take your net income and divide it by the market value of the property, times 100. If your net income is $10,000 on a $100,000 home, you have a cap rate of 10. I have read that any cap rate above a 7 is good for owners and anything less is good for tenants. This calculation is more complicated because you have to figure net income by accounting for a variety of things including vacancy amount and operating expenses, which include advertising, insurance, maintenance, property taxes, property management fees, repairs, supplies, utilities, etc.

As with many things, I am a simpleton. There are far too many paper pushers in this world already. That's why I use the first formula. It's easy and it works. Sure, there are other variables I take into account. For example, with newer homes the percentage can be a bit lower because maintenance and repairs will be lower and, as a more desirable property, vacancy should also be less.

Thursday, November 12

A Week in the Life of a Mystery Shopper

Last week I didn't earn much at all from mystery shopping as I wrapped up the renovations inside the townhouse. This week won't be much better as I am in Florida for a conference.

Nothing. Returned home from a wedding in Pennsylvania.

Spent the entire day at the townhouse. Shopped one gas station.

Merchandising mania! Started the day with a gas station audit, then shopped another gas station before heading out to complete 6 merchandising gigs. This was the only full day spent shopping/merchandising this week.

Started the day with four gas stations and a fast food breakfast. Then headed to the townhouse.

Nothing. Spent the entire day at the townhouse.

Had a job interview that lasted several hours. Only completed one gas station shop.

Spent the day at the townhouse - almost finished! Did shop a fast food place for both lunch and dinner and a gas station later that evening.

Total Income for the Week: $155.43
Total Value of Reimbursements: $64.84

Wednesday, November 11

How a Frugal Miser Travels on the Cheap

One of my mantras is enjoying life while making wise financial decisions. I don't want to be the stereotype of a miser who never leaves his home and counts tissue squares so as to ration the cost of his bowel movements. That's not for me.

I love to travel. That's my getaway from reality. This morning my partner and I are flying to Tampa for a 5 day getaway. I am attending a conference in Orlando, which I paid for several months ago before losing my job. Truth be told, I wouldn't be going if I had not already plunked down the registration fee and part of my lodging fees.

Of course, a frugal miser can travel glamorously and still live within his means. Here are a few things most anyone can do to save money when traveling:
  • Find the least expensive parking. In the past I have gone so far as parking for free at a nearby supermarket and using a cab to get me the last bit of the way. Either that or get a friend to drive me to the airport. These aren't options, but I did find cheap parking by Googling "cheap parking at my local airport". I located an off airport lot and a coupon for 20% off regular rates. My per day rate will only be 60% of the cost of the cheapest on site parking, plus we are dropped off at the terminal so no trudging our bags through the parking deck.
  • Rent a cheap car. Renting a car was a necessity as my conference is in Orlando but we are flying to Tampa. Often there are one or two rental car companies with offsite facilities. This alone saves you from paying the "facility" fees and other ridiculous charges that come with renting from an airport location, plus the rates are generally less. In this case, however, I was able to get a discount through Budget Car Rental by using a coupon from a book I bought to support the local schools.
  • Be loyal. If you do travel fairly often, it pays to sign up for a hotel loyalty program and to frequent that brand as often as possible. I primarily used Hilton Honors while I was employed, but I may move to a lower cost chain (Choice Hotels comes to mind) now. You will usually come out ahead in the long run by sticking to one (or two at the most) program, even if the hotel is a few dollars more than an alternative, since you can earn more free nights the more often you stay in one brand. Moving from Silver to Gold to Platinum and taking advantage of special offers will expedite your rewards.
  • Use a rewards credit card. I have two: the Chase Southwest card and the American Express Hilton Honors card. I earn several free nights a year at Hilton-branded properties and I rarely pay for my flight. Everything goes on my card, and I always pay the balances on these card each month.
  • Use coupons or eat in. I work to keep my food costs down while still enjoying the local cuisine. First off, always take advantage of the free breakfast at the hotel. Decide whether you can live with yourself if you take an extra banana or granola bar for your afternoon snack. Then alternate between inexpensive eating and treating yourself. We will have at least a couple meals that we prepare ourselves. This means a quick trip to the local supermarket for sandwich ingredients and making sure our hotel room has a refrigerator. If it doesn't, the hotel ice bucket will be used. For meals out, try to use coupons. I buy the Entertainment Book each year. In addition to the printed book I receive, I can access printable coupons online for other cities. If that's too much trouble, just make smart choices. We never order soft drinks at a restaurant - it's always water. Consider splitting an entree. Order sensibly.
  • No souvenirs. I used to shutter at the thought of not taking home some memento of my travel. But now I realize the memories of the experience are all I need and I rarely ever bring home more than I came with. Who needs extra clutter to keep up with and maintain for the rest of your days? I don't. A few digital pictures will suffice.
Being smart about travel expenses means I'm not paying for my vacation months after coming home. It also means I can take MORE vacations, and that makes this frugal miser happy!

Tuesday, November 10

I've Rented the Townhouse

My very first rental property, a 2 bedroom townhouse which I lived in for three years, has been rented. The tenant will be moving into it in about a week. I consider this a quick turnaround:
  • Closed on Rental Property #7 on 10/27.
  • Began preparing Rental Property #1 the evening of 10/27.
  • Tenant moving in on 11/17.
My tenant will be paying $625 per month, which is $100 per month improvement over what the previous tenants paid. Tomorrow I will review how I determine my profitability from this.

How did I find a tenant so quickly? A few months ago I rented a condo. I listed in on Craigslist and received a dozen inquiries in the first week. This tenant was interested in moving in a month or two, while the tenants I selected signed a lease and paid the first month's rent the next day. Some folks would see a red flag here - I mean, why didn't she find another place instead of waiting on me? Well, her credit is bad. She was in a bad marriage and made some mistakes. She and her two kids are now living with her mom and she vows this will be a new beginning.

I'll save my philosophy for screening tenants for another day. I will say that I am pretty liberal and will give someone a chance if my gut tells me to do so.

Monday, November 9

The Freedom that Comes from Job Loss

It's barely five in the morning and I've been up since 2:45. Not because I was tossing and turning but rather because I was so eager to get the week started.

It is both strange and delightful at the same time that for the first time in many, many years, I actually look forward to waking up in the morning. I am giddy when going to bed thinking of all the things I will be able to do the next day.

I really did enjoy the job that I lost in August. But now I'm starting to realize there were A LOT of things I didn't like at all. For instance, the meetings. Oh my, that monthly Operational Metrics meeting that our Six Sigma emblazoned COO so rigidly enforced... that's history for me! No more staying late into the wee hours trying to make give me the reports I need. No more spending an hour detailing the activity that lead to a Closed - Won or Closed - Lost Opportunity. No more logging in excruciating detail my call notes. No more call quota. No more back stabbing sales engineer sucking up to the boss by making everyone else look pathetic.

I say this knowing full well that I will jump at the opportunity to get back into the workforce. But then I ask myself, Why? Are my bills current? Yes. Am I making enough money mystery shopping to make ends meet? Well, I am right now.

I will take this lesson learned with me to my next J-O-B. The place I am interviewing is a start-up with just 7 employees. No process. No ridiculous rules or formal reporting. Just a "get it done" attitude that is the essence of what work is all about. Strip out the mindless bureaucracy and you are left with the actual work. In some places, there's very little in the way of work and more in the way of making it look like you've been busy. I don't have the job yet, but it is representative of where I'd like to land when I do get hired.

Sorry for the rambling. I've been thinking a lot lately about how much clutter there is in most work environments. Right now I am my own boss, so I do things efficiently and I only report to myself. Cut the extraneous crap and I actually like the art of working.

Sunday, November 8

Assessing my Credit Card Debt

As I mentioned yesterday, my top priority is paying down my credit cards. These were under control until I had to access some cash advances to purchase Rental Property #7. Before, I had just over $23,000 in credit card debt at less than 4% interest. This represented a "balance transfer" check I wrote to myself a couple years ago in order to buy and rehab a rental property.

Total Credit Card Debt: $38,246

My Plan to Pay it Off: I would like to reduce this amount by $1,500 per month. I will use all available rental income and mystery shopping income (after paying other required bills such as mortgages and utilities). I will also explore selling personal belongings. I don't have much to sell (I sold my living room furniture last month), but will brainstorm on how I can monetize even more of my possessions.

Note: I also took out a Prosper loan to purchase Rental Property #7. I don't want to track my payments here for privacy reasons, but the interest on it is fairly high, so I will also be working towards paying it off as fast as possible.

Saturday, November 7

My Financial Situation (Update for November)

I mentioned last month that my #1 goal is to pay off my debt as fast as possible. I wanted to review the progress I made in October:
  • $38,246 in outstanding credit card bills (not counting balances on cards I pay off each month). This increased significantly (about $10,000 over last month) as I desperately sought all sources of cash to buy a rental property.
  • I also took out a $3,500 personal loan to fund the rental property transaction.
  • $96,276 owed on my house (a principal reduction of $556!).
  • $33,810 owed on a HELOC used to purchase a rental property.
  • $38,520 owed on my car (the bane of my existence).
  • $17,642 owed on student loans.
  • $180,565 owed on 2 other rental properties (a principal reduction of $711!).
  • $38,000 in other obligations related to rental properties.
  • I finally closed on Rental Property #7 in October. This will most likely be my last real estate transaction for a while.
In October, I increased my debt load some in order to purchase Rental Property #7. This property has been in my pipeline for almost a year and I was committed to making it happen. Because I needed every spare dollar to purchase this property, I made minimum payments on all my debts this month. I can commit moving forward that I do not plan to take on any additional debt.

Friday, November 6

November Goals

I mentioned last month that once I closed on Rental Property #7 I would make some very tangible goals each month, such as eliminating debt or cutting expenses. Without further ado, here's my plan for November:

November Goals:
  • Last month I earned $1,565 in mystery shopping income. I will be traveling nearly two full weeks in November, so I expect to earn less. I want to set an aggressive goal, though. I will shoot for $750 in mystery shopping income, with a stretch goal of $1,000.
  • Last month I spent $193 on food, and I spent $208 in November 2008. I will spend less than $150 on food this month. I still have a couple gift cards plus a ton of restaurant coupons which will come in handy while I'm on the road. Plus I can do some mystery shopping at meal time.
  • Last month I spent $193 on fuel. In November I will spend $100 on fuel, down from $173 in November 2008. I traveled a good bit last November for my job, so much of my gas was reimbursed or I would have spent more. Thanks to all the gas stations I plan to shop, combined with lower gas prices, I should be able to reach this goal.
  • I took on credit card debt in order to purchase this last rental property. It's something I'm not proud to admit doing but after considerable work to find an alternative, I hit a roadblock. I also had a balance of just over $23,000 on one credit card with a rate of less than 4%. I used a special cash advance offer a couple years ago to finance a rental property. I don't regret this transaction, even though the interest isn't tax deductible. So, my #1 financial priority moving forward will be paying down my credit cards as quickly as possible, followed by a close #2 priority of selling the Bimmer.

The two trips I mentioned are "legacy" trips I arranged while I was still employed, and a large part of the expense was already paid. My partner and I are going to Tampa and Orlando for several days for an investors conference I am attending... nevermind that I cleaned out my brokerage account to buy the last rental property! My partner has never been to Tampa and it's one of my favorite places - I may even move there one day.

The other trip was a conference that my employer paid for. I had a professional development budget which I used. I've been debating whether I should go, as a few of my coworkers are also attending and it could be awkward. But I expensed almost $1,500 to attend, so why not go? I'm still trying to decide for sure. My severance pay runs out a week before the conference, so I can't see what my employer could do to me for going. Like I said, it's a sunk cost to them, anyway. Surely they wouldn't mind if I continue to develop myself professionally, right?

Gas and food are my two largest variable expenses. My two largest expenses overall will be hard to change: the mortgage and car payment. I consider my utility costs to be fairly reasonable, a result of my frugal habits. However, I continue to explore ways to cut these even further.

Thursday, November 5

My October Income: $17,065

October was a decent month. My severance benefits continue through November 10th, and because I wasn't actually working, I had lots of free time to earn money from mystery shopping.

$4,167 Severance Pay
$1,565 Mystery Shopping
$487 Change in Value of Retirement Accounts (Roth IRA and Rollover IRA)
$10,846 Rental Income*
$17,065 Total Income for October

*not typical. The tenants in Rental Property #7 agreed to pre-pay some of their rent (I needed the cash to close on the property). I use the cash basis to report my income.

November (and future months) won't be anywhere near as nice. I will receive one last paycheck from my former employer. I have been aggressively seeking other income, whether from one-off gigs on Craigslist or taking mystery shopping road trips. This month the dust will settle on the purchase of Rental Property #7 as well as some other interim changes that have resulted due to my job loss. By December I will have a more predictable view of my income and debt situation.

Reviewing my October Goals

Tomorrow I will post my November goals. Before I do that I wanted to review how I did in October:

How did I do on my October Goals?
  • close on Rental Property #7 DONE!
  • $500 in mystery shopping income SURPASSED!
  • maximum food expenses of $100; maximum fuel expenses of $100 FAILED.
The rental property closed on the 27th...this is a huge distraction that I no longer have to focus on. Plus, starting in January this property will add to my monthly cash flow.

I grossly underestimated my mystery shopping income. In October I earned $1,564 from mystery shopping fees plus an additional $474 in reimbursements for everything from gasoline to food to gifts.

I did exceed my food and fuel expense goals. I spent $93 more for gas and $93 (not a typo) more for food than I had budgeted. Not to minimize this failure, but I can justify the fuel overage: as I did way more mystery shopping than I thought I would do, I drove a lot more. One of the companies I shop with only reimburses for a $1 gas purchase for the fuel shops, and I inevitably buy more (one would think buying just $1 in gas on a credit card might give myself away as a mystery shopper!). The other company that offers the fuel shops reimburses a much more reasonable $5.00. As for the food, I decided during the Florida trip to splurge a little. Sure, we could have bought inexpensive meals at the grocery store or frequented the dollar menu, but that's not the kind of miser I want to be. Every now and then, I think it's okay to eat at a decent restaurant. I'm still going to order water as my drink and stay away from the most expensive entrees, but I want to enjoy myself from time to time. Still... how many people do you know can say their food budget for a month was less than $200?

Wednesday, November 4

A Week in the Life of a Mystery Shopper

Last week I didn't earn much at all from mystery shopping. Instead I spent most of my time renovating my first rental property after the tenants moved to Rental Property #7. I also went away to a wedding for the weekend. To top it off, I was sick most of the week with an infection in my throat. At one point I could barely swallow!

I ate lunch at a fast casual restaurant. I looked for other opportunities but nothing appealed to me. Sundays can be slow unless I find some gas stations to do.

This was my busiest day of the week for shopping. I completed 11 shops, traveling 213 miles.

Closed on the new property. The tenants vacated the townhouse on the same day, so I started that afternoon sprucing up the townhouse so that I can begin marketing it.

Again I spent most of the day at the townhouse, but I did manage to shop 3 gas stations and 2 banks.

Usually as the end of the month nears I can find last minute shops with great bonuses, but I didn't see anything that interested me, especially since my priority had to be cleaning up the townhouse (which, mind you, was a disaster area!).

I did a gas station and a telephone shop.

Nothing. Attended a wedding in Pennsylvania.

Total Income for the Week: $170.80
Total Value of Reimbursements: $77.75

Tuesday, November 3

A Frugal Miser Brings Home Toiletries and Food from Hotels

I've seen debates online about the ethical dilemma of whether it is okay to take home toiletries, towels, food, etc. when you stay in a hotel. I tend to be liberal on the subject.

First, I never take items that the hotel clearly reuses. For example, towels, remote controls, etc. I remember a couple years ago a group of friends and I spent the weekend at a nice hotel in Pensacola Beach. I didn't find out until a few weeks later that one of my so-called friends took home the hotel hair dryer. How embarrassing.

But I have no problem bringing home other things, such as soap, shampoo, coffee packs...even food from the free breakfast. In fact, if I really like something, like the soap, I've even been known to request an extra from the front desk just to take it home. Now and then I will bring home the tissue or toilet paper if I know I am running low.

Is this going too far? Maybe. I don't see any problem at all taking my used soap or open shampoo, but some may question whether I should take an unused coffee pack or packaged cereal. I guess since the value of these items is nominal, I don't really feel bad when I do it.

What do you think?

Monday, November 2

A Frugal Miser Attends a Wedding

I spent the weekend in beautiful State College, PA, where I attended the wedding of a good friend. I don't go to that many weddings, and after I lost my job I hesitated about going to this one (this friend is also a client of my former employer...that's how we met). But I managed to have a great time and not spend much money. In fact, I didn't spend a dime on food:

Leading Up to the Wedding
  • Cashed in a flight credit for a flight I had canceled at my previous employer. I didn't see any reason in letting it go to waste, especially since the wedding was for a customer of my previous employer. Cost of flight: $0
  • Gift card at Target and Congratulations Card: $26.08. I'm not a big fan of purchasing "things" as gifts, even though at first that would seem more thoughtful than just buying a gift card. I can recall few gifts that I've received that I would have purchased for myself, and I assume most people are like me.
  • Bought $15 worth of gas to travel to the Atlanta airport. Traveling from my home airport would have required a second night in a hotel.
  • Wedding began at 3 PM - I arrived with just 15 minutes to spare. Reception started around 5 PM, which included food and drinks.
  • Checked into Best Western, redeeming more of the travel cards I had purchased before I lost my job. Brand new hotel - I was impressed.

  • Ate breakfast at the hotel. Took a box of cereal, muffin and a cup of coffee with me for later.
  • Checked out. Cash expense was zero since I used a travel card. Actual room cost was $98.00.
  • Filled the rental car 26 miles from the airport. They say you should refuel within 10 miles, but I knew the tank would still be on full. $18.01
  • Arrived at the airport a bit earlier than I had to, which saved me from going over the 24 hour rental period on my compact car. It was a Hyundai Accent, by the way... nice car all things considered. $32.56
  • Ate the cereal and muffin for lunch. Then I had cookies and a soda on the plane.
  • Airport parking: $20.00. Ouch. It didn't occur to me until I was pulling into the airport that I should have found an offsite lot. I would have saved $10 or so if I had done this.
  • Refueled my car: $18.00
Total cost of attending a wedding in State College, PA: $227.65.