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Thursday, May 13

My Frugal Miser - Cutting Another Recurring Expense

I cut another recurring expense from my budget. Recurring expenses, those pesky line items ranging from the car loan to the mortgage to the little-things-that-add-up like cable bills and lawn service (neither of which I personally have) are the biggest obstacles to achieving your financial goals.

I have mixed emotions with this one, though. I decided to drop out of Weight Watchers. I'll be saving $40 per month. I had stopped going to meetings, and wrongly thought that if I kept paying the monthly fee I would feel guilty about it and start going back. I've been working long hours with mystery shopping, which has prevented me from making it to the daytime meetings.

I still have the plan guidelines that came with my membership. With this, if I can get motivated, I will still be able to restrict my eating to the number of daily points I am allowed. The only things I lose by canceling my subscription are the meetings (good for accountability, but I wasn't going anyway) and the online point tracking tool. It was a cool iPhone app that made it really easy to track my consumption.

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