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Wednesday, October 9

Random: Matthew Shepard Murder Site

I realize I've posted very few photos while on this massive road trip.

While visiting Laramie, WY today I had some time on my hands.  I searched out the Matthew Shepard murder site.  It happened somewhere near this intersection.


  1. That's a sad corner. I drove through Le Grande, Oregon recently. This is the town that let Jadin Bell down. Jadin committed suicide because of bullying and homophobia. It was dinner time when I drove into town. I drove out without spending a dime. That town doesn't deserve my patronage.

    1. Good for you. I agree with you. In Laramie, the citizens petitioned the city to change the names of the street where this happened and have refused to allow even a small memorial to be erected. I did have to fuel up while there, but that's the only cash I spent there. If the State of Wyoming had more than three gas stations I would have gotten fuel elsewhere...

  2. This area does not even begin to resemble the site where Matthew Shepard was murdered. The area would have had to have gone through a major renovation not only with several new houses being built within the past 3 years but they would have had to have dug out all of the sandstone rock that was there and completely change the topography. I have seen videos of the area from as late as 2011 that show nothing like the photos above.

    1. Benjamin,
      I think I was close, but have no way to know for sure. The website I used to locate the area was


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