Thanks to the rental properties, I had an exceptional month of income in May. I received rent from every property, including from the tenant I was about to evict. Fortunately, it appears this tenant is making an effort to get back on track and I won't incur the eviction, vacancy and repair costs I was expecting to have. One of the managed townhouses was also behind, and in May I received two rent payments plus late fees from that property.
Mystery shopping income was fair. The house I am buying still has not closed, so I scrambled to put together shopping routes to fill in the time I had reserved for working on the new house.
May Income $10,219
$2,129 Mystery Shopping
$8,077 Rental Income
$8,077 Rental Income
$14 Other Sources
- I don't include transactions in my retirement accounts. This includes rental income, dividends and capital gains and losses.
- I include merchandising and hospitality work in the mystery shopping category since the companies that I shop for provide this extra side work.
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