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Friday, November 5

My Frugal Miser - October 2021 Expenses

  I spent a lot of money in October.

  • I was in a car accident and paid a portion of my $5,000 deductible for repairs.  This was an expensive mistake.
  • Spending on food was a bit lower since our meals are often covered when we travel for work.  


We love adventures.  Spending on experiences makes us better humans.  
  • I spent $2,500 purchasing IHG rewards points on a double points promotion.  That will likely last a few years.
  • The rest of the "fun" category is spread across several items, including wine purchased in Napa to take home, rideshare rides, museum tickets, and entertaining a friend from out of town.

October Expenses:  $8,491

$2,730 Auto (service, gas, insurance, AAA, etc.)
$0 Bank Fees (annual fee on Marriott card)
$0 Clothing/ Personal Care
$3,528 Fun (vacations, movies, gambling, alcohol, concert tickets)
$409 Food
$100 Health and Dental
$1,052 Household/Home Repairs
$137 Unreimbursed Job Expense
($354) Reimbursed Job Expense income this month
$0 Interest Expense
$186 Miscellaneous
$426 Taxes
$277 Utilities 

Tuesday, November 2

My Frugal Miser - October 2021 Income

I worked meetings all month in October.  This involved travel to Charlotte, Las Vegas, Amelia Island and Orlando.  I worked so much with meetings that I did no Amazon deliveries.

The Airbnb was booked all but 2 days I blocked due to our travel schedule.

Rental income came in where I expected, as my three tenants all paid rent.  Rental expenses were high because I paid the property taxes on those three properties.

October Income: $12,076

$0 Mystery Shopping/ Merchandising
$4,925 Meeting Jobs
$0 Gig Apps (Rideshare, Food Deliveries, etc.)
$0 Amazon Deliveries
$3,135 Rental Income (Rental Expenses:  $5,569)
$3,756 Airbnb Income (Airbnb Expenses:  $1,573)
$17 Interest Income
$243 Other Sources

Investment Accounts Change in Value:  $7,217

My investments did well.  AMC was down (I am short the stock).  Most of my stocks were up slightly.