March was another inexpensive month. A lovely phenomenon helped me get my total spending under $1,000: per diems. Some of my meeting clients provide a daily allowance for spending on food, drinks and miscellaneous. The average per diem is $75. I often spend less than that, making the per diem pure profit. A second unusual credit to the "fun" category lowered my spending even further.

- Auto expenses continue to benefit from the lack of driving. I spent most of March working meetings and didn't use my car. I spent $69 on a coupon book that included 4 oil changes and tire rotations as well as other discounts. Even with minimal driving, gas prices over $4/gallon added up.
- Bank fees were high because I paid the annual fee for my Self-Directed IRA and the annual fee for my Chase World of Hyatt card.
- Food was low because most of the meetings we work either provide a meal or reimbursement for food. I worked most days in March.
We love adventures. Spending on experiences makes us better humans.
- I finally received the refund for the canceled Carnival cruise in Australia.
- I didn't spend anything on future travel.
March Expenses: $819
$289 Auto (service, gas, insurance, AAA, etc.)
$595 Bank Fees (annual fees on credit cards)
$20 Clothing/ Personal Care
($1,336) Fun (vacations, movies, gambling, alcohol, concert tickets) (
income - Carnival cruise refund)$253 Food
$48 Health and Dental
$1,084 Household/Home Repairs
$359 Unreimbursed Job Expense
($1,001) Reimbursed Job Expense (income - my provided per diems were more than I spent)
$0 Interest Expense