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Saturday, June 1

My Frugal Miser - May 2024 Expenses

I was frugal in May.  Traveling for work is a great way to mitigate expenses. 

  • The largest unexpected expense was for oral surgery to remove a fractured tooth.  I will probably spend more to get an implant at some point.
  • I paid my GEICO bill.  Six months for two of us.
  • I have a meeting I work every June that requires khaki pants.  The ones from last year are too tight, so I bought two new pair.


We love adventures.  Spending on experiences makes us better humans.  
  • Meeting work is seasonal - there isn't much in July and August.  I took advantage and booked a vacation in July to Asheville.  I used points for the hotel and miles for airfare.  I'll pay for the rental car when we pick it up.  This should be a very reasonably priced vacation since two of the largest expenses were covered by points.
  • While in Monaco for work, I visited the Monte Carlo casino.  I think it's the most famous casino in the world, but it was underwhelming.  Fortunately I won at the blackjack tables.  This was offset by flights I booked to New Orleans for later this year (we're taking a cruise from there).
  • We also went to a comedy show in Orlando before we worked a meeting.  Again, my winnings in Monaco basically paid for this.

May Expenses:  $2,318

$1,366 Auto (service, gas, insurance, AAA, etc.)
$10 Bank Fees (annual fees on credit cards)
$332 Clothing/ Personal Care
$2 Fun (vacations, movies, gambling, alcohol, concert tickets)
$247 Food
$1,236 Health and Dental
$41 Household/Home Repairs
($46) Unreimbursed Job Expense income this month
($1,048) Reimbursed Job Expense income this month
$0 Interest Expense
$32 Miscellaneous (cat sitter, gifts)
$115 Taxes
$31 Utilities 

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