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Friday, August 2

My Frugal Miser - July 2024 Expenses

 I spent too much in July on food.  Most of the other large expenses were unavoidable.  August will probably be another expensive month as the dishwasher needs to be replaced and I have a couple of doctor appointments.

  • I replaced the brake pads, rotors and calipers on the car.  Gas was also higher than normal because I did several Amazon delivery routes.
  • We were gluttons in the food category.  About half the spending was for restaurants - we had a couple of really nice meals while on vacation.  The balance was for groceries.
  • I redeemed miles to rebate the $250 annual fee for the United Quest Card, which I had paid in June.


We love adventures.  Spending on experiences makes us better humans.  
  • I spent $152 on U Relax, an alcohol alternative.
  • Most of the spending on Fun was for our Asheville trip - Airport parking ($84), a winery tour, etc.

July Expenses:  $3,071

$888 Auto (service, gas, insurance, AAA, etc.)
($198) Bank Fees (annual fees on credit cards) income this month
$80 Clothing/ Personal Care
$622 Fun (vacations, movies, gambling, alcohol, concert tickets)
$1,001 Food
$206 Health and Dental
$331 Household/Home Repairs
$0 Unreimbursed Job Expense
($47) Reimbursed Job Expense income this month
$0 Interest Expense
$0 Miscellaneous (cat sitter, gifts)
$15 Taxes
$174 Utilities 

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